The Salty Side: Saltwater Aquariums for Beginners

Söchting Oxydator In A Saltwater Tank Increasing Oxygen: A Review

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Introducing a Söchting Oxydator in a saltwater tank is one of those potentially extremely beneficial additions, but for one reason or another has never found a footing in the reefing world.

It was by pure luck that I stumbled across a thread on the benefits of adding one of these simple devices to an aquarium, and I can honestly say it was one of the better discoveries I’ve come across. 

What Is A Söchting Oxydator?

The Oxydator is a simple and relatively cheap device that is placed into the aquarium and releases both oxygen and activated oxygen into the water column.

There are five sizes available, but all sizes work using the same methodology:

  •  All sizes include a plexiglass sealable container housed either on or inside a porous grey ceramic container.
    The ceramic containers primary function is to act as a weight in keeping the plexiglass container from floating to the surface.
  • Each plexiglass container is provided with one or more catalysts, depending on the size purchased.
    Each catalyst looks like a ceramic cylindrical pill that lasts for years on end.
  • Söchting sell something called Oxydator Solution, but this is simply Hydrogen Peroxide (2HO₂) re-branded.
    Adding the recommended Hydrogen Peroxide concentration (either 6%, 9% or 12%) into the plexiglass container with the provided catalyst causes an immediate reaction. This is evident by the micro bubbles that begin to be produced.

The Hydrogen Peroxide can last up to two weeks before it needs to be replenished, dependent on the system.
The reaction causes a steady flow of oxygenated micro bubbles to make their way into the aquarium water with some astounding results.

What Results Can I Expect When Using An Oxydator?

Söchting claim that the Oxydator does not only provide fresh oxygen, but it also releases activated oxygen. This is where my interest peaked. The term ‘activated oxygen is also known as Ozone or O₃.

In the world of reef keeping the introduction of ozone is normally carried out with the use of an Ozone Generator that will normally run into a few hundred to purchase.
Ozone is desired in a reef tank for its ability increase the Redox potential which makes it highly efficient in detoxifying, breaking down pollutants quickly and to successfully fight diseases such as White Spot and Velvet. Ozone is also very effective at reducing and eliminating algae.

I don’t have the appropriate method of measuring increased ORP, however I have seen a dramatic transformation in my tank after installing mine.

The Oxydator In My Saltwater Tank Killed Cyanobacteria

I had experienced a continuous problem with Dinoflagellates for eight months. When using a product called Vibrant Aquarium Cleaner to try and gain control the result was excessive cyanobacteria, along with dinoflagellates.

Things were going from bad to worse.

I purchased the Oxydator as yet another means of trying to kill the dino. Unexpectedly, it seems that it completely eliminated the cyanobacteria. I can only put this down to the ozone effect Söchting talk about.

When I have experienced cyanobacteria in the past, the only way in which I have combated it is by using Red Slime Remover.

Sochting Oxydator D - Increase Oxygen Level in Shrimps Fish Tank Aquarium
  • Pure oxygen created by the Söchting Oxydator is mostly immediately dissolved in the water, so that there are hardly any bubbles produced
  • Pure oxygen created by the Söchting Oxydator is mostly immediately dissolved in the water, so that there are hardly any bubbles produced
  • Due to the Oxydator's oxidizing capacity, the water quality will be improved and harmful contaminants in the water will be neutralised and In the summer, it is effective at fighting algae

Dinoflagellates Have Been Eliminated Using The Oxydator

I had tried everything to rid my tank of Dinoflagellates, even obscure methods such as yeast dosing.

It always seemed like I was on the cusp of ridding my tank of dino, but whatever I tried never quite worked.

I had learnt that dino have the potential to take up carbon dioxide and use it, even in the absence of light (such as a total blackout). I realised that the reason I may still have dino was due to a potential oxygen deficiency.
I used Dino X and the Oxydator in my saltwater tank and I watched the dino dying away on a daily basis (alongside the cyanobacteria).

I am certain that I would still have dinoflagellates if it had not been for the Oxydator.

The Oxydator Has Breathed Life Into My Fish

I noticed that my fish were so much more energetic with the addition of the Oxydator. This is just a simple observation.

I am also positive that the increased potential for ozone will safeguard my fish against any future ailments.

So There You Have It...

Would I recommend the Oxydator? Absolutely!

I had been struggling for months with dino, and with the addition of the Oxydator my tank is now something I look forward to seeing now.

Unlike traditional means of dosing Hydrogen Peroxide, there is no risk of overdosing using this method. In addition, it is completely silent, and dose not require electricity to run.

The Oxydator has been used for decades by aquarists with fresh water setups. I think its time to glean the benefits and start making our lives easier.

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